Grow your wealth using a low cost, transparent and flexible investment platform that provides you with easy access whenever you need it via a Client Portal.
Wealth Simplifier includes a Macquarie CMA, choice of broker, managed funds (via uXchange), and an Australian Money Market account all rolled up into one easy to use portfolio management tool.
It has no hidden administration fees as well as up-to-date secure portfolio access on your mobile device.
We understand the importance of providing a seamless and dynamic portfolio reporting experience. Our Client Portal offers a clean and nimble interface, ensuring you can effortlessly navigate, track, and access all your investments in one centralised location. You also have the ability to directly interact and communicate with your adviser.
Gain access to a wide range of investment options available via the DASH investment platform to set you up for the future. Our Approved Product List includes over 600 managed funds to choose from as well as direct equities, term deposits, and cash.

Why use Wealth Simplifier?

  • You own the listed assets in your/your legal entity name.
  • Improved online reporting of your portfolio and performance.
  • Improved management of excess cash allocation.
  • Timely portfolio rebalancing to match your risk profile.
  • Electronic signing of the record of advice (ROA) document for more timely and mobile access.
  • Efficient end of year tax portfolio reporting.
  • Faster transacting which means reduced risk for you during stressed markets.

To learn more about how you can access Wealth Simplifier, contact your Financial Adviser.

Documents and forms

Disclosure Documents


dash map

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Phone - 1300 726 008